Kerri Rhodes LPC, LMFT

Kerri Rhodes is a licensed mental health clinician in Virginia with 30 years of experience, personally touched by the opioid epidemic and fueled by the loss of her son, Taylor.  With a powerful message and rapidly growing platform, Kerri is challenging and changing how America treats and addresses mental health, trauma, substance use disorder, and how pain is managed.

Kerri has spent the last 29 years working in schools, community mental health, the justice system, and private practice. She brings to bear that experience and expertise, in addition to the lessons Taylor taught her, as she educates and empowers.

She shares her message and those tools that would have helped Taylor in his battle. Her platform has reached schools, prisons, healthcare, and national leaders. The invitations to speak, collaborate, and teach are growing and have included Weill Cornell Medicine, Shatterproof, Discovery Channel Plus, Senator Patrick Kennedy, Psychology Today, the National Safety Council, and The Executive Office of the President.

Kerri is currently the Director of Behavioral and Mental Health Division in the Chesterfield County Jail and works with the H.A.R.P* program, which helps to heal those incarcerated with substance use and mental health issues.

*Helping Addicts Recovery Progressively

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Brad Yates is a master teacher. He is a warm, loving, powerful, effective, transformative force for good. I totally endorse his work.

Jack Canfield

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