Jenny Clift

Jenny Clift is a professional violinist and an EFT Tapping Coach, based in Madrid, Spain.

She’s passionate about working with musicians, stage performers, creatives and coaches, to help them achieve success, wealth, joy, confidence and inner peace.
Having experienced many stops and starts in her own career, Jenny feels strongly about helping others overcome the emotional and practical challenges while trying to succeed at what you love.
She discovered EFT Tapping back in 2011 via YouTube and began working with Brad Yates online and even traveling to the States for his very first weekend EFT workshop. In this period she saw amazing growth in her musical career and in her life.
In 2016 she wrote a book about her experiences – The Music Inside, (available on Amazon!) - and trained as a Certified Energy Psychology Coach with Dr. Dawson Church and a Tapping into Wealth Coach with Margaret Lynch.
Since then she has worked with individuals and groups online, helping them to discover and clear the hidden blocks, traumas, and subconscious limiting beliefs around their artistry, their money and becoming more visible and successful in their career. She combines this with her musical life, gigging in and around Madrid.
Jenny is dedicated to helping others to discover the freedom to live the multidimensional life that they love, achieve their personal goals, and transform
their lives.

Check out Jenny's Great Resources

The Music Inside

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A Better Life Tapping

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Jenny's YouTube Channel

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Clear the Fear of Being Seen and Heard

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A Better Life Tapping

Visit Jenny's Website

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One of the best ways to experience Brad's work is at one of his powerful - and fun - live workshops. He may be doing an event in your area soon... don't miss it!

Brad Yates is a master teacher. He is a warm, loving, powerful, effective, transformative force for good. I totally endorse his work.

Jack Canfield

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