Tapping For Anxiety: A Quick EFT Script To Remove Stress
Sep 21, 2022
Anxiety is common for so many of us these days. But there are things you can do to reduce it. Tapping has been proven to be one of those ways.
A quick disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist and not licensed to treat anxiety. However, I am going to talk about it and provide you with a tapping script that may help.
You can use this tapping script to tap on anxiety and tailor it to suit your specific needs.
Tapping Script for Anxiety
Even though I feel anxious, I choose to love and accept myself.
Even though I feel anxious, I choose to love and honor myself.
Even though I feel anxious...
Around others...
Maybe when I'm on my own...
[insert your own specific anxiety inducer]
I choose to deeply and completely love, honor and accept myself, and anyone else who may contribute to these feelings.
All this anxiety, all these anxious feelings and all this anxious behaviour, I choose to clear it.
I choose to let go of this anxiety. I choose to let go of this nervousness. I choose to let go of this discomfort.
I feel so uncomfortable at times. I feel so uncomfortable in different situations. I just want to escape. It all feels too much for me.
I am so anxious. I am so uncomfortable. And I choose to release this feeling.
I choose to release it at a cellular level. I choose to release it all the way back through my past.
All those times I've been anxious and didn't know what to do with myself. I appreciate that part of me that's trying to take care of me by telling me to run away. That's just some part of me that doesn't feel safe. That feels like I'm in a threatening situation.
So what is it that I'm afraid of? What am I so afraid of?
Am I afraid of other people and what they think of me? Am I afraid of what they will say or do to me?
What am I basing that fear on?
Maybe part of thinks I've got some very legitimate stuff to base it on. I have some real evidence that I'm not safe. I'm choosing to go through that evidence and clear whatever I can.
That doesn't mean I'll start to take stupid risks. I'm just allowing myself to clear any misunderstandings.
Maybe with some of these past events, it wasn't nearly as threatening as I thought it was. Maybe it was - but I'm not in the same kind of danger any more. Part of me is just making sure. And that's ok.
I'm not wrong or bad. I just choose to see if I'm unnecessarily depriving myself. Noone says I have to hang out with other people, but maybe I choose to.
I choose to connect with others, so I'm letting go of anxiety. I'm letting go of fear. I'm letting go of any past embarrassment, guilt or shame. I'm letting go of this discomfort.
I deserve to be here. I have a right to be here. I am awesome! I am a gift to others and I choose to feel confident sharing that gift.
I choose to have the freedom to share that gift. It is safe to share. I choose to feel comfortable and confident. I choose to feel calm and confident. In body, mind and spirit.
Take a deep breath.
Use tapping as necessary to clear any anxiety or stress out and use all of the things that you've learned about how to take care of yourself and let that go.
Watch the full video here:
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