Biet Simkin

Biet is the world-renowned meditation leader dubbed the “David Bowie of Meditation.”  As a musician, Biet weaves the world of pop culture and spirituality, teaching practical applications of ancient spiritual wisdom. The teachings are featured in Biet’s best-selling book, ‘Don’t Just Sit There!’ published by Simon & Schuster.

Raised by a Shaman in New York City, Biet signed to Sony Records at the age of 19 as a singer/songwriter. Diving into a Rock & Roll lifestyle, Biet became a high-profile DJ in the fashion and art scene in Manhattan. However, following a string of life-changing events, including the sudden loss of her daughter, Biet turned to her lifetime study of meditation and launched the Guided By Biet event series. The meditation experience reached a contemporary audience in cultural spaces, including museums, hotels, and fashion shows. These groundbreaking events were scored by her own music and were the first time meditation was mixed with pop culture, creating the revolutionary new trend.

Featured in Vogue, Forbes, ELLE, and TIME magazine, and as the resident meditation guru at The Sundance Film Festival, 1 Hotels, MoMA, and SoulCycle, Biet advises spiritual best practices for hotels and brands. Biet is best known for modernizing the spiritual path and has been called the "Meditation Guru for the next generation.”

Check out Biet's Great Resources

Don't Just Sit There

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Brad Yates is a master teacher. He is a warm, loving, powerful, effective, transformative force for good. I totally endorse his work.

Jack Canfield

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